
Advisory services

Project management assistance.

Are you interested in welcoming tourists and structuring your territory? 

Good news! Our sales team can offer you its expertise to advise and help you carry out your project.


Motorhome area, campsite, parking, river stop… In order to structure your territory and increase attendance, our team will guide you towards the solution best suited to your needs.

Motorhome users, campers, boaters and cyclists do not have the same needs. To better meet their expectations, our team will also advise you on the equipment choice (service and draining terminals, internet access, signage…) 

How does our team support you in your project?

  • They advise you on the area layout, taking into account your environmental requirements (study on quotation)
  • They give you advice on the choice of equipment for your motorhome area, parking or campsite. 
  • They guide you through the process of obtaining administrative authorisations from the relevant departments. 
  • They help you regulate motorhome parking in your town. 
  • They assist you during your construction work.
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What makes our team stand out? 

Our colleagues are never short of ideas to find THE solution and the tourist innovation that will make your project a success! 


A word from our co-worker: 

“Our team’s skills are rooted in solid experience. Over the past ten years, the sales department has accompanied more than 500 private and public entities to devise the best development strategy”

Delphine, Sales Manager

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Discover the 4 solutions of the CAMPING-CAR PARK network:

CAMPING-CAR PARK : A unique and innovative concept!

CAMPING-CAR PARK is the first European network of stopover and service areas, accessible 24 hours a day.

Founded in 2011 by two experts in tourism development, the network has now more than 600 sites accessible 365 days a year. 

The management and supervision of the sites are handled by our teams, freeing you from on-call duty. We promote and communicate your site and its territory to help increase the number of visitors. 


The solutions for your project: 

  • Help with the creation of your motorhome area.
  • Taking over your parking or campsite.

The partners who have chosen this solution are won over:

“  I have decided to create two motorhome areas, so that the structure in my town would be real; I have found the operator CAMPING-CAR PARK, as I did not want my services to take up time for a special skill, especially concerning  the automatic systems, the barriers, the payment. […] I think that with CAMPING-CAR PARK I have found an efficient solution that meets the requirement of a tourist resort, having to welcome tourists (including out of season) but also the essential needs of environment protection.» Patrick JOUIN, Former Mayor of La Faute-sur-Mer (85) behind the project. 

Did you know? Some municipalities have chosen to add a FLUVIA PARK or a VÉLO PARK to their CAMPING-CAR PARK.



CAMPING de mon Village

CAMPING de mon Village is the first « eco » camping network that provides a pragmatic solution to the annual use of your municipal campsite.

These campsites are available 24 hours a day to motorhomes and to vans, tents and caravans when the sanitary facilities are open. They are human-sized campsites, affordable and accessible to everyone, right in the heart of local life. 

To better welcome tourists on your area, a CAMPING de mon Village becomes a CAMPING-CAR PARK during the off-season: 

The solution to your project: 

  • Takeover and transformation of your campsite 
  • Open all year round to motorhomes and vans and to caravans and tents during summer.


The partners who have chosen this solution are delighted: 

« For a little more than a year, the town entrusted the campsite management to CAMPING-CAR PARK, a specialist company well known to motorhome users. It’s a great success for the town as the campsite has not been empty since the end of lockdown! » Noëlle DELABASSE, Mayor of Cappy (80)


VÉLO PARK : the first network for cyclists

More and more tourists are travelling the roads of France by bicycle! CAMPING-CAR PARK has developed the VÉLO PARK concept: an area for cycle tourists on the network’s sites, allowing the local authorities to welcome them in complete safety. This area allows cyclists to make a stop and use the services: shower, toilets, electricity and bike boxes. 


Secure payment is made on the same automatic machine as the one at your motorhome area. 

The solutions to your project: 

  • Help with the creation of a dedicated space for the new clientele: cyclotourists 
  • Development of territorial mobility of your region
  • Pool the facilities of your motorhome area or campsite. 

What are the benefits? 

  • Welcome a new type of clientele.
  • Generate additional local economic benefits. 
  • Entrust the entire management to an expert and be exempted from any obligation. 
  • Collect the tourist tax.
  • Increase the visibility of the region in France and Europe thanks to our communication strategies.
  • Benefit from the strength of the network and increase your number of visitors. 



FLUVIA PARK : Welcome pleasure sailors with tranquility

River stops FLUVIA PARK are built along the bank of a canal or river, allowing municipalities to relieve congestion at the locks and pleasure sailors to stop off and refill with drinking water and electricity. 

The solutions to your project: 

  • Help with the creation of your river stop to welcome a new clientele, pleasure sailors
  • Takeover and transformation of your river stop.

What are the benefits? 

  • Increase the tourist attractiveness of your territory. 
  • Welcome a new type of clientele.
  • Generate additional local economic benefits.
  • Manage the tourist consumption and limit waste.
  • Benefit from the strength of the network and increase the number of visitors to the town. 
  • Structure the tourist reception by developing a part of the bank, canal or navigable river.

6 good reasons to join the CAMPING-CAR PARK network:

  1. Join the 1rst European network : Benefit from the network’s strength and its 600 destinations and 925 000 customers (40% of them are foreign) 
  2. Annual opening:  the campsites that have joined the network have seen a fivefold increase in their annual attendance rate 
  3. Campsite promotion: Increase the visibility of your campsite by adopting our communication tools:  1 to 2 weekly newsletters, mobile application, website… 
  4. Operational management : remote management freeing you from constraints and calls-out 365 days a year (assistance, reception, booking and cancellation management, etc…) 
  5. A human-scale company: benefit from our expertise adapted to your needs and rely on a professional, competent and solid team.
  6. Return on investment: We transfer up to ⅔ of the turnover generated.