
The Network

CAMPING-CAR PARK is the 1st European network of stopover areas and service areas to be accessible 24/7, 365 days / year. Safety and services are top priorities in our areas. Local territories are at the heart of the concept; by diversifying tourist facilities we aim is to boost local dynamics.

We provide a unique service of connected areas that operate autonomously, and are deeply ingrained in the fabric of local economics and culture. This offer caters to new motorhome trends and the motorhome market, and resolves the difficulties faced by local territories.

Thanks to our different fields of expertise, we can offer you various SOLUTIONS to customise your project.


More than 600 locations are already working together Benefit from the network effect !

conseil laurent

Expert voice:

«Corinne BRUEL and I founded the CAMPING-CAR PARK network in 2011. Today, there are more than 600 areas in France and in Europe. Our objective: to welcome motorhome travellers nearby centers of interest (town-centers, beaches, shops…) by offering them fully safe access to services 24/7, all year round.

The areas are cleverly positioned in attractive tourist spots, and have already been visited by almost half of 610.505 leisure vehicles registered in France. The company has gone from strength to strength since its creation, acting as a true driver of development in local territories. The company is already getting ready to open 120 areas in 2024. »

Laurent Morice, President and Co-founder of CAMPING-CAR PARK.


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